No Time, No Problem!

Don’t think you have enough time to meal prep or don’t want to be in the kitchen for a long period of time on your off day? No problem. Meal prepping does NOT have to take long at all! There are different methods to meal prepping. Some people like to meal prep using a crock…

Healthy Banana Waffles

  When I was meal prepping for other people I stumbled upon this quick and simple recipe for making banana waffles. The whole idea of eating healthy is not to limit yourself and get on a strict diet but to have balanced meals. Becoming super strict can and will make you go crazy and cause you to…

Back 2 Basics

So I’ve decided to create a blog that will be dedicated to healthy food, food prepping/planning, and recipes that I have actually used and enjoyed. I am doing this to help others out on their own journey of becoming a healthier person. When I first started I didn’t know where to look or who to…